Peace -
Healing -
Kids Connection
August 4th
Linking Kids Up with Jesus
AAC is so blessed! The Charles Family and the Kid Connection team do an amazing job! Music, Skits, Games, Prizes, Puppets, and great lessons from the Genius!
Linking Kids Up With Jesus!
Noah's Ark
David and Goliath
David and Goliath
Sunday August 21st We got to see David and Goliath! We also met the puppets. Genius taught us that we need to stay full of the Holy Ghost and stay connected to each other! When we disconnect from one another, and we get away from God. We lose the power! We are in this together! If someone falls away reach out and catch them! Help them back up! We are in this together! Let's stay connected!!
Fun Times!!!
Fun Times!!!
Music, Games, and Prizes!
Music, Games, and Prizes!
Jonah & The Whale
Jonah & The Whale
What a Great time had by all!! We sang, danced, played games, seen a skit. We had a wonderful time! You won't want to miss the next one!
Meet Genius! She will keep your attention with her silly antics and teach you a lesson too!
Meet Genius! She will keep your attention with her silly antics and teach you a lesson too!